British Abortion Law Architect Speaks, Helath Minister Comments on Limits

London, England ( -- Speaking at a pro-abortion conference organized by Marie Stopes International, one of the leading abortion businesses in England, the architect of the nation's legal abortion law admitted there are too many abortions there. However, Lord Steel said he wants to see the laws loosened further so more can be done.

"Abortion should not be regarded as long-stop [back-up] contraception, and, as a society, we need to address these issues, as well as the questions of sexual ethics and sex education," he said.

The number of abortions in England is on the rise and approaching 200,000.

Last year, government figures showed 193,700 abortions in England and Wales in 2006 compared to 186,400 in 2005. The number of repeat abortions and those done on teenagers are on the rise.

According to a London Guardian report, Steel said there were "too many abortions" and a lack study as to why they are going up.

At the same time, he added that there was "no such thing" as a correct number of abortions.

Steel told the conference he wants abortions to be done "as early as possible" in pregnancy to avoid potential complications and said he favored ending the requirement that two physicians sign off on an abortion.

Steel's speech coincides with the 40th anniversary of the abortion law he sponsored in the British parliament in 1967.

Meanwhile, Dawn Primarolo, the junior health minister, told the science and technology committee of parliament that there is no reason to justify reducing the abortion limits from 24 weeks into pregnancy.

Current British law sets that limit for all abortions and others done for health reasons or because the baby is disabled can go further.

Lawmakers are considering lowering those limits because the age of viability has been pushed forward and because newer ultrasound technology has shown the humanity of the unborn.

Primarolo said 89 percent of all abortions were already done in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy and that such late-term abortions were rare.

Song For Your Baby

Sleep well :D

Baby play Wii

Keep Toxic Away From Tour Child


Many seemingly harmless household products, such as table salt and aftershave, are toxic if ingested in a large-enough dose.

Keep these products away from children.

Vitamins: Ingesting just 15 of chewable children´s vitamins can sicken a 25 lb child.

Nicotine: Eating one cigarette, three cigarette butts, a small handfull of chewing tobacco, or half a piece of nicotine chewing gum is enough to harm a child.
Leading to vomiting, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, breathing difficulty, abnormal heartbeats and seizures.

Salt: One to two teaspoons ingested by a 25 lb. child can cause irritability, lethargy, and possible seizures. More than 1 1/2 tablespoons can be fatal.

Nutmeg: One to three whole nutmegs, or 5 to 30 grams (about 3/4 tablespoon) of ground nutmeg, can produce redness of the face, increased heart rate, dry mouth, confusion, hallucinations, drowsiness, upset stmach, and vomiting. Symptoms occur three to eight hours after ingestion.

Mouthwash/Aftershave/Perfumes: Three mouthfuls of cologne containing 90% alcohol can cause vomiting drowsiness, or even coma in a 25 lb. child.


Parents Magazine March 1992

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Poom in Cold

In Cold :D

Birth Control Question Q&A


Can you get pregent if you take birth control everyday, you have your period b/c of the pills but be pregent and not know? And if you are pregent and keep taking the pills will that affect your baby?

If you take birth control pills properly (every day), the chances of getting pregnant are less than 1%. If you had your last period on time and are expecting the next period ,you can’t be sure if you are pregnant until you miss the expected period and a pregnancy test shows a positive result. Birth control pills can damage an embryo but in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy (stadium of egg), when they can be used unintentionally.

There is a principle known as : “everything or nothing”. That principle means that a bad agent can either kill the fertilized egg cell or won’t cause any damage at all.

DISCLAIMER: "Ask a Doctor" Questions are answered by Dr. Nikola Gjuzelov and Dr. Slavcho Giorgiev, General Practitioners. Dr. Gjuzelov practices medicine for the general public and is affiliated with the Republic of Macedonian Public Health Institution. Dr. Gjorgiev is a practicing physician for the private health organization "Neuromed", Strumica. For more information about Dr`s. Gjuzelov and Gjorgiev or other medical experts, please visit our About Us page. You may also visit our Birth Control Forum, for moderated patient to patient support and information.

The material presented in the ehealthforum Discussion Forums and Ask A Doctor is in no way intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified licensed medical professional. ehealthforum and ehealthforum's Ask A Doctor advises all users with health problems and concerns to consult their personal doctors. Furthermore, if you have any questions or concerns about your condition, you must consult your qualified licenseced medical professional before starting any treatment.

The materials in the ehealthforum Discussion Forums and Ask A Doctor cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment. To the fullest extent possible, ehealthforum and ehealthforum's Ask A Doctor expressly excludes all liability in respect of the information and opinions contained in the Discussion Forums and Ask A Doctor, this Web site, or any sites linked to this Web site.

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Breaking News:Baby girl left in locked Dallas day care

From WFAA-TV Staff Reports

7000 Greenspan Avenue

A 14-month-old girl was left locked in a closed Red Bird-area day care center Tuesday, police said. The girl appeared unhurt, though the mother took her to a local hospital as a precaution, police said.

The mother called police when she arrived about 7 p.m. at the center in the 7000 block of Greenspan Avenue to pick her up, police said. Authorities entered the L&S Early Childhood Learning Academy to get the girl.

In August 2003, an 8-month-old boy died from heat exposure after he was left in a vehicle at a day care center with a different name at the same location. The center says it is now under new management.

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Feeding schedule: Important when starting solids? Q&A


My five-month-old daughter is just starting solids. I do not have her on a schedule and feed her only when she is hungry. Do you feel that a schedule is necessary?


Schedules are very Darwinian: they tend to evolve over time, and then change and adapt as the baby grows. During the first few months, babies should be allowed to eat on demand -- that is, when they are hungry. As they get older and begin eating solid foods you can help ease them into a schedule.

As soon as your baby can sit unsupported in a high chair, have her join you at the dinner table. Or, even before that, prop her baby seat on the table so she can join you for the family evening meal.

Because eating schedules tend to evolve, they shouldn't be strict. In fact, babies and children often hit growth spurts that appear to make them hungry all the time. In those cases, you may have to let the schedule fall by the wayside, and then return to it as soon as you can.

Schedules serve a couple of purposes. For one thing, they are convenient. It makes life easier for caregivers so they can plan meal preparation. Also, meals will ultimately be nutritionally superior: It has been shown that kids who eat at set meal and snack times are slimmer and do better nutritionally than those who don't. "Grazing," eating small amounts of food all day long, is also a nutritionally superior way to go, but only if the person pays careful attention to food choices. Grazing times should be set like mini-meals, as opposed to eating all day long.

Whether your child consumes a regular three meal per day pattern with small snacks in between, or six or seven mini-meals, scheduled eating times that allow for some flexibility are the best choice for older babies. Your daughter's age is an excellent time to start

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My son and his father

We R Family :P

10 Things You Need to Know II

let's continue:

6. Introduce only one new food each week.
The best time for offering new foods is in the morning. This makes it easier to observe your baby for signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, runny nose, congestion, ear infection, fussiness or an upset tummy. Watch for severe reactions. If these occur they should be reported to your baby's health care provider.

7. Expect a change in your baby's stools. As you add solid foods to your baby's diet you will see a change in the color, consistency and frequency of your baby's bowel movements. It is normal to see the stools change color, depending on the food your baby eats. It is also likely that you will see undigested bits of food in your baby's stool.

8. Remember that babies have tiny tummies and do best with small amounts offered through the day, rather than three bigger meals.

9. Follow baby's cues. If your baby doesn't like a food, or just isn't hungry, don't force the issue. (It won't hurt your baby to go back totally to breast or bottle and take a solid food break for a few days.) It's important to keep mealtime enjoyable.

10. Make meals a social event. Allow your baby to sit with the family at mealtime so she can begin to enjoy the social side of sharing a meal with the family. Babies usually love this interaction.

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10 Things You Need to Know II

6. Introduce only one new food each week. The best time for offering new foods is in the morning. This makes it easier to observe your baby for signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, runny nose, congestion, ear infection, fussiness or an upset tummy. Watch for severe reactions. If these occur they should be reported to your baby's health care provider.

7. Expect a change in your baby's stools. As you add solid foods to your baby's diet you will see a change in the color, consistency and frequency of your baby's bowel movements. It is normal to see the stools change color, depending on the food your baby eats. It is also likely that you will see undigested bits of food in your baby's stool.

8. Remember that babies have tiny tummies and do best with small amounts offered through the day, rather than three bigger meals.

9. Follow baby's cues. If your baby doesn't like a food, or just isn't hungry, don't force the issue. (It won't hurt your baby to go back totally to breast or bottle and take a solid food break for a few days.) It's important to keep mealtime enjoyable.

10. Make meals a social event. Allow your baby to sit with the family at mealtime so she can begin to enjoy the social side of sharing a meal with the family. Babies usually love this interaction.

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10 Things You Need to Know I

1. Make sure your baby is ready.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until your baby is at least four to six months of age before introducing solid foods. Around this time your baby will begin to show signs of readiness for solids. She begins to sit up well, unsupported; she can pick up small items; and she is very interested in what is on your dinner plate. Every baby is different: It is more important to watch your baby for signs of readiness than to decide an arbitrary time for introducing solids.

2. Go slowly. You and your baby have lots of time to explore this whole new world of culinary delight. Offer your baby very small amounts of food to start out (a half teaspoon or so). Gradually increase the amount you are offering until you are giving your baby one-quarter cup or so of food at a time.

3. Breast milk or formula comes first during baby's first year. To keep an adequate milk supply, if you are breastfeeding, and to provide your baby with his most important food during his first year of life, nurse or feed your baby formula before offering solid foods.

4. There is not one best, set-in-stone, method of food progression. Your baby's likes and dislikes and your family history of allergies/asthma will play a big role in which foods you offer your baby -- and when.

5. Expect things to be a bit messy. Much of the food you feed your baby will end up on her clothes and on the floor. This is par for the course, so dress appropriately.

Continue Part II

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Baby bottle Tips:P

A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat (also called a nipple in the US) to drink directly from. It is typically used if someone can not (as conveniently) drink from a cup, for feeding oneself or being fed.

In particular it is used to feed an infant with infant formula, expressed breast milk or pediatric electrolyte solution.

What should you do ?

  • Never leave baby unattended while feeding. Besides the possibility of accidents, you'll want to be there to observe your baby’s feeding habits, changes in preferences – and just enjoy this especially close time.

  • Never feed baby while he or she is sleeping or lying down. Until the child can sit up and hold his or her own bottle, hold baby semi-upright. This way you can make sure that the liquid flows directly down the throat, not into nose (which can cause ear infections) or into the lungs, making baby choke.

  • Use a clean bottle every time. Bottles and nipples should be washed and rinsed thoroughly before the first use, following the manufacturer’s instructions. After that, wash and dry bottles after each use – again, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Always check the temperature of a bottle’s contents before giving it to baby. In most cases, it needs only to be at room temperature – that is, it should feel slightly warm (not hot!) on your skin.

  • Always discard anything left in a bottle after a feeding. Then clean the bottle before the next use, even if it only contained water. This will help ensure a safe and germ-free feeding.

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Why fill baby teeth? Q& A

It seems that filling baby teeth is a typical western scientific response that has little or no merit. I'm aware that there are always special circumstances where this procedure may be indicated. When is filling a baby tooth really a valid procedure?


There is more than a little merit to treating primary teeth, and there are many factors involved in determining proper treatment. First of all, these "temporary" teeth are actually needed for several years. The incisors are typically present until six to eight years of age, while the canines and molars are present until 11 to 13 years of age. Primary teeth serve many different functions, such as chewing, phonetics, and space maintenance for permanent teeth.

If decay in primary teeth is left untreated, it will only progress. This progression can lead to pain and infection, which may eventually turn life- threatening. In addition, broken down, painful, infected teeth will lead to a decrease in nutrition, which will affect physical and mental growth and development of the child. In fact, parents or caregivers who do not provide proper access to dental care can be charged with child neglect.

Of course, dentists strive to prevent cavities from forming in the first place. Education is paramount. Parents and caregivers should be informed about proper oral hygiene. For example, parents should begin cleaning a baby's teeth as soon as they emerge. Children under six-years-old need to have adults help them with brushing and flossing. Even children in the six to ten age range should have parents check after brushing and flossing to ensure an adequate job was done. Disclosing tablets can also be helpful to show the areas where plaque still remains. Fluoride, properly used and in very small quantities, can be quite beneficial in reducing or eliminating tooth decay.

A child's diet should be carefully monitored. Children who are more susceptible to decay may need diet modification. Parents should remember that frequency of sugar intake is more important than overall intake. Keep in mind that frequent consumption of soft drinks can lead to a higher rate of decay, and many foods labeled with "no added sugar" may contain high levels of natural sugar. Regular dental visits are important for helping children keep their teeth clean, educating them about proper care, and catching problems early while they are more easily managed. Dental sealants also play an important role in preventative dentistry.

In addition to prevention, patients who are at risk for cavities should be screened. Several factors including family background, the individual, and the general oral environment should be considered. Patient background should include a family history of decay, water fluoride levels, epidemiology, ethnicity, and socioeconomic variables. Individual characteristics include age, orthodontics, diet, and medications that may lead to a decrease in saliva. Oral information includes past restorations and frequency of decay, eruption of teeth (newly erupted teeth are sometimes more at risk), oral hygiene, tooth morphology and salivary flow. Prevention can be designed individually to help combat some of these risk factors.

When decay is detected, several factors are considered. Two main considerations are the dental age of the child and the condition of the tooth in question. For example, if a radiograph, more commonly known as an x-ray, reveals that the cavity is small and the tooth is soon to be lost, treating the tooth would not be necessary. If, however, it appears that the tooth will remain in place for years longer, removing the decay and placing a filling would be most prudent. If the tooth is severely decayed and/or shows signs of infection, extraction or treatment of the tooth should be considered

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Take a break with my son :D

Sleeping Baby :D

What is baby boom ?

A baby boom is any period of greatly increased birth rate during a certain period, and usually within certain geographical bounds. Persons born during such a period are often called baby boomers. Some contest the general conventional wisdom that baby booms signify good times and periods of general economic growth and stability.

The term baby boom most often refers to the dramatic post-World War II baby boom (notice the rate of change on the chart below). However, the term remains a general demographic one and is also applicable to other similar population expansions.

Recent baby boom periods include:

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Choose the rigth Babywearing :D

Benefits of babywearing

Dr. William Sears, a pediatrician, coined the phrase attachment parenting. One of Sears' principles of attachment parenting is babywearing and he attributes many benefits to babywearing and the in-arms style of parenting.

Claimed benefits of babywearing include:

  • Mothers' progesterone (mothering hormone) is increased through physical contact with the infant, leading to a more intimate maternal bond, easier breastfeeding and better care, thus lowering the incidence of postpartum depression and psychosomatic illness[citation needed].
  • Infants who are carried are calmer because all of their primal/survival needs are met. The caregiver can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, tasted, provide feeding and the motion necessary for continuing neural development, gastrointestinal and respiratory health and to establish balance (inner ear development) and muscle tone is constant.
  • Infants are more organized. Parental rhythms (walking, heartbeat, etc.) have balancing and soothing effects on infants.
  • Infants are "humanized" earlier by developing socially. Babies are closer to people and can study facial expressions, learn languages faster and be familiar with body language.
  • Contrary to western cultural myths, independence is established earlier.
  • Attachment between child and caregiver is more secure.
  • Decreases risk of positional plagiocephaly ("flat head syndrome") caused by extended time spent in a car seat and by sleeping on the back. Sleeping on the back is recommended to decrease the risk of SIDS. Cranial distortion resulting from non-vehicular time in car seats has shown to be more severe than in children who develop plagiocephaly from back-lying on a mattress. Concern over plagiocephaly has also led the American Academy of Pediatrics to recommend that infants “should spend minimal time in car seats (when not a passenger in a vehicle) or other seating that maintains supine positioning. None of the babywearing positions require infants to lie supine while being carried. Infants can even be worn while they sleep, also decreasing sleeping time spent in a supine position.
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Woman charged in death of infant son

A Joplin-area woman has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of her infant son because she was allegedly high on drugs when she rolled over him in bed.

The charge alleges that Jessica C. Jones, 27, used methamphetamine and marijuana before sleeping in the same bed with her 4-month-old son, Ashton. The baby died in early August, and Newton County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Bill Dobbs announced the charge Tuesday.

In February 2006, Jones' 3-month-old son, Jericho, died under similar circumstances, according to investigators. Jericho's death was ruled to have been caused by accidental asphyxiation during sleep, and his mother was not charged.

Jones was arrested Friday and remained in custody Wednesday at the Newton County Jail, with bond set at $30,000.

Court records showed she did not yet have an attorney, and she had not entered a plea Wednesday.

Dobbs said the woman's four other children were removed from the home in August after investigators found dog feces, rotten food and clothing piled up to a foot deep in the trailer. They remain in state custody.

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Infant crushed to death under RTC bus

HYDERABAD: A five-month-old female infant was crushed to death under the wheels of an Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) bus belonging to the Falaknuma depot at Aliabad on Wednesday.

According to Shalibanda inspector P Narsaiah, a woman, B Suguna, 20, of Saraswathinagar of Kandukur mandal in Ranga Reddy district came to the Falaknuma bus stand to see her relatives at Aliabad along with her infant daughter, Bhargavi, on Wednesday morning.

While getting down the bus, Suguna lost balance when her daughter fell off her hold and came under the rear wheel of the bus.

Bhargavi was taken to a nearby hospital where she was declared brought dead. Bharavi’s father Shankeriah is a farmer. The police later arrested the RTC bus driver, N Devula, for his alleged negligence.

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Dad Fails to See Baby Fall From Stroller

CLEVELAND (AP) — A man says he was drunk and didn't notice until he got home that his infant son had fallen out of his stroller during a nighttime walk through a field, according to authorities.

Geraldine Johnson, 37, said she awoke to a baby's cries about 3 a.m. Tuesday and ran to the field, where she found the child in the dirt. She called police and an ambulance, police Lt. Thomas Stacho said Wednesday.

The baby was taken to a hospital and found to be uninjured, then was taken to welfare authorities, Stacho said.

Police talked to the father, who had returned to the field looking for the boy.

The man, whose name was not released, told police he was intoxicated when he was pushing his son in a stroller across a field and didn't notice the baby was missing until he got home.

"He was intoxicated and told officers he had been drinking since about 3 p.m. Monday," Stacho said.

Prosecutors will decide whether to charge the man with wanton endangerment.

The man told officers that he had been pushing his son in a stroller across the field in the dark and hit a bump, and that the baby must have bounced out, Stacho said.

The infant has been placed with his maternal grandmother while the mother complies with welfare measures, officials said.

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Do you know: Sudden infant death syndrome ?

This From wiki :

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a syndrome marked by the symptoms of sudden and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant aged one month to one year. The term cot death is often used in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, while crib death

is used in North America.

Risk factors and statistics

SIDS is responsible for roughly 0.05%, or 50 deaths per 100,000 births in the U.S. It is responsible for far fewer deaths than congenital disorders and disorders related to short gestation, though it is the leading cause of death in healthy babies after one month of age.

Very little is known for sure about the possible causes of SIDS, and there is no proven method for prevention. Although studies have identified risk factors for SIDS, such as putting infants to bed on their stomachs, there has been little understanding of the syndrome's biological cause or causes. The frequency of SIDS appears to be a strong function of infant sex and the age, ethnicity, education, and socio-economic status of the parents.

According to a study published in October 2006 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, babies who die of SIDS have abnormalities in the part of the brain that helps control functions like breathing, blood pressure and arousal. Researchers examined the brains of 31 babies who had died of SIDS and 10 who had died from other causes. They found that abnormalities in the brain stem appear to affect the ability to use and recycle serotonin, which is responsible for regulating mood as well as vital body functions. According to the National Institutes of Health, which funded the study, the new finding is the strongest evidence to date suggesting that innate differences in a specific part of the brain may place some at increased risk of dying from SIDS.

Listed below are several factors associated with increased probability of the syndrome based on information available prior to this recent study.

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Care baby units 'at breaking point'

Special care baby units across the UK are "near breaking point", a report says.

A lack of funding has left units struggling more than ever to reach minimum staffing levels in the last year, according to the baby charity Bliss.

Only a handful of units were able to meet the minimum recommended staffing levels, with many forced to refuse new admissions for considerable periods of time.

Mothers and babies may be forced to travel long distances in search of a unit with the appropriate facilities to care for them, the charity said.

Bliss's new study - Too little too late - are we ensuring the best start for babies born too soon? - was based on surveys of 195 neonatal units across the UK.

It found that units were forced to refuse new admissions for an average total of two weeks out of a six-month period.

A total of 10% closed their doors to new admissions for eight weeks or more over six months.

The study also found that most units were operating above the 70% average occupancy level recommended by experts. One in eight of the most specialist units operated at an average occupancy of 100% or more for a whole year.

Although some new nurses have been recruited, the service is still 2,600 nurses short of the recommended number, the study said.

The report said demand for care was outstripping supply and the care and safety of babies was in danger of being compromised.

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natural child birth, water baby

Baby and Dog RelationShip

Toy History

A toy is an object used in play. Toys are usually associated with children and pets, but it is not unusual for adult humans and some non-domesticated animals to play with toys. Many items are manufactured to serve as toys, but items produced for other purposes can also be used as toys. A child may pick up a household item and 'fly' it around pretending that it is an airplane, or an animal might play with a pinecone by batting at it, chasing it, and throwing it up in the air. Some toys are intended primarily as collector's items and are not to be played with.

The origin of toys is prehistoric; dolls representing infants, animals, and soldiers, as well as representations of tools used by adults are readily found at archaeological sites. The origin of the word "toy" is unknown, but it is believed that it was first used in the 14th century.

Toys and play in general are an important part of the process of learning about the world and growing up. The young use toys and play to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will need as adults. Adults use toys and play to form and strengthen social bonds, teach the young, remember and reinforce lessons from their own youth, exercise their minds and bodies, practice skills they may not use every day, and decorate their living spaces. Toys are more than simple amusement, and they and the way they are used profoundly influence most aspects of life.

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Poom's And Mom

Lovely Boy in my Hand

My Baby Show off :P

Hi i'm Poom

Say Hi to You


Acquainting Your Baby With a Sitter

Whenever possible, let your child get to know the babysitter while you're there. Ideally, have the sitter spend time with him on several successive days before you leave them alone. If this isn't possible, allow yourself an extra hour or two for this get-acquainted period before you have to go out. During this first meeting, the sitter and your baby should get to know each other very gradually, using the following steps.

  1. Hold the baby on your lap while you and the sitter talk. Watch for clues that your child is at ease before you have the sitter make eye contact with him. Wait until the baby is looking at her or playing contentedly by himself.

  2. Have the sitter talk to the baby while he stays on your lap. She should not reach toward the child or try to touch him yet.

  3. Once the baby seems comfortable with the conversation, put him on the floor with a favorite toy, across from the sitter. Invite the sitter to slowly come closer and play with the toy. As the baby warms up to her, you can gradually move back.

  4. See what happens when you leave the room. If your baby doesn't notice you're missing, the introduction has gone well.
This leisurely introduction can be used with anyone who hasn't seen the child within the past few days, including relatives and friends. Adults often overwhelm babies by coming close and making funny noises or trying to take them from their mothers. Intervene when this occurs by explaining that your baby needs time to warm up to strangers and that he's more likely to respond well if they go slowly.

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Car Seat Baby Safty Tips

Be wary of used car seats. Be careful about using a car seat that belonged to someone else, it may have been damaged.

Always put your new baby in a rear-facing car seat in the back seat of your car. The back seat is the safest place for all children to ride. It is estimated that children ages 12 and under are 36 percent less likely to die in a crash if they are sitting in the back seat.

Don't put your baby in front of a passenger-side air bag. Here's another reason to put your baby in the back seat. About 20 percent of children killed by passenger-side air bags are infants in rear-facing child seats in front of an air bag. If you absolutely must put your baby in the front seat, make sure the air bag is turned off.

Infants (babies under one year) should ride in a rear-facing seat at least until they weigh 20 pounds and are one year of age. If your child fits in a rear-facing seat, leave her there past one year. It's really the safest position and it offers the best protection for your baby's head, neck and back.

Use the car seat every time baby rides. If someone offers to take your baby out, make sure the car seat goes too. And make sure it is installed correctly in the back seat. No one plans to have an accident. Most crashes happen close to home on roads with low speed limits.

Don't use your baby as an airbag. Never, ever put your child in your lap in a car. No matter how tightly you hold your child, he or she will not be safe in a crash. The baby could fly through the windshield, hit the dashboard or be crushed by your body. Always put the baby in his or her car seat.

Never leave your baby in the car, even just for a moment. Sadly, many babies die each year because they were left in an overheated car, while Mom or Dad ran to do a quick errand. Cars can heat up fast in the hot sun and a baby can overheat quickly. Avoid this tragedy by taking your baby with you when you leave the car.

If you're not sure your car seat is installed correctly, get it checked out. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when you install the car seat. Then get it checked out. Visit the Safe Kids Web site to find an event near you where trained people will inspect your car seat and make sure it is installed and used correctly�free of charge. Some local police stations and hospitals also offer this service.

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When You Should Worry About Your Child

The signs below may mean your baby is very ill. Call your baby�s doctor right away if your baby:

  • Does not have stools
  • Has yellowish skin
  • Has diarrhea
  • Has a temperature higher than 100�F (38�C) taken under the arm
  • Vomits (more than just spit up) more than 2-3 times a day
  • Refuses to feed or nurses poorly
  • Has fewer than four wet diapers in 24 hours
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Medical Concern on first month

Baby's First Month: Medical Concerns CARING FOR YOUR BABY AND YOUNG CHILD For purchasing or reprint information, click here. The following medical problems are of particular concern to parents during the first month.

Breathing Difficulties Normally, your baby should take from 20 to 40 breaths per minute. This pattern is most regular when he is asleep and healthy. When awake, he may occasionally breathe rapidly for a short period, then take a brief pause (less than ten seconds) before returning to normal breathing. If he has a fever, his breathing may increase by about two breaths per minute for each degree of temperature elevation. A runny nose may interfere with breathing because his nasal passages are narrow and fill easily. This condition is eased by using a cool-mist humidifier and gently suctioning the nose with a rubber aspirating bulb (ordinarily given to you by the hospital). Occasionally, mild salt-solution nose drops are used to help thin the mucus and clear the nasal passages. Excessive Sleepiness Because each infant requires a different amount of sleep, it's difficult to tell when a baby is excessively drowsy. If your infant starts sleeping much more than usual, it might indicate the presence of an infection, so notify your pediatrician. Also, if you are nursing and your baby sleeps more than five hours without a feeding in the first month, you must consider the possibility that he is not getting enough milk or perhaps is being affected through the breastmilk by a medication that you are taking.

Floppiness Newborn infants all seem somewhat floppy because their muscles are still developing, but if your baby feels exceptionally loose or loses muscle tone, it could be a sign of a more serious problem, such as an infection. Consult your pediatrician immediately. Hearing Problems Pay attention to the way your baby responds to sounds. Does she startle at loud or sudden noises? Does she become quiet or turn toward you when you talk to her? If she does not respond normally to sounds around her, ask your pediatrician about formal hearing testing. This testing might be particularly appropriate if your infant was extremely premature, was deprived of oxygen, had a severe infection at birth, or if your family has a history of hearing loss in early childhood.

If there is any suspicion of hearing loss, your infant should be tested as early as possible, as a delay in diagnosis and treatment is likely to interfere with normal language development.
Jitters Many newborns have quivery chins and shaky hands, but if your baby's whole body seems to be shaking, it could be a sign of low blood sugar or calcium levels, or some type of seizure disorder. Notify your pediatrician so he can determine the cause. Rashes and Infections Common newborn rashes include the following: * Cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis) appears as scaly patches on the scalp. Washing the hair and brushing out the scales daily helps control this condition. It usually disappears on its own within the first few months but may have to be treated with a special shampoo. * Fingernail or toenail infections will appear as a redness around the edge of the toenail or fingernail, which may seem to hurt when touched. These infections may respond to warm compresses but usually need to be examined by a doctor. * Umbilical infections often appear as redness around the umbilical stump. They should be examined by your pediatrician. * Diaper rash Thrush White patches in the mouth may indicate that your baby has thrush, a common yeast infection. This condition is treated with an oral antifungal medication prescribed by your pediatrician. Vomiting If your baby starts forcefully vomiting (shooting out several inches rather than dribbling from the mouth), contact your pediatrician at once to make sure the baby does not have an obstruction of the valve between the stomach and the small intestine (hypertrophic pyloric stenosis). Any vomiting that persists for more than 12 hours or is accompanied by diarrhea or fever also should be evaluated by your pediatrician. Weight Gain Problems Your baby should be gaining weight rapidly (1/2 to 1 ounce per day) by the middle of this month. If he isn't, your pediatrician will want to make sure that he's getting adequate calories in his feedings and that he is absorbing them properly. Be prepared to answer the following questions: * How often does the baby eat? * How much does he eat at a feeding, if bottle-feeding? How long does he nurse, if breastfeeding? * How many bowel movements does the baby have each day? * What is the amount and thinness or thickness of the stools? * How often does the baby urinate? If your baby is eating well and the contents of his diapers are normal in amount and consistency, there is probably no cause for alarm. Your baby may just be getting off to a slow start, or his weight could even have been measured wrong. Your pediatrician may want to schedule another office visit in two or three days to reevaluate the situation.

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Bathing and Skin Care For Your Baby II

How to give your newborn a tub bath:

Once your baby's umbilical cord has fallen off and the stump is healed, and after a boy's circumcision has healed, you can give your baby a tub bath. This can be a pleasurable experience for you and your baby. However, some babies may not like to be bathed, especially the first few times. Talk softly or sing and try some bath toys if your baby protests.

What equipment is needed for a tub bath?

  • baby bathtub (preferably with a bottom drain plug)
  • nonslip mat or pad
  • bath thermometer (these often have "safe" bath temperature ranges marked on them)

When bathing your baby in a tub:

  • Clear the counter or table top of breakable objects and electrical appliances to prevent injury.
  • Fill the tub with warm water, using a bath thermometer.
  • Follow the same general bathing instructions for a sponge bath.
  • NEVER take your hands off your baby, or walk away, even for a moment.
  • Be sure to clean the bathtub after each use.

Providing proper skin care for your newborn:

A baby's soft and delicate skin needs special care. Generally it is best to use products made especially for babies, but your baby's physician can advise you about other products. Products for adults may be too harsh for a baby and may contain irritants or allergens. Many parents like to use lotions for the sweet baby smell. However, unless the baby's skin is dry, lotions really are not needed. Powders should be avoided, unless they are recommended by your baby's physician. When using any powder, put the powder in your hand and then apply it to the baby's skin. Shaking powder into the air releases dust and talc which can make it hard for the baby to breathe.

Many babies have rashes and bumps that are normal. Some rashes may be a sign of a problem or infection. Diaper rash can be irritating to the baby and needs to be treated. If you have concerns about a rash, or your baby is uncomfortable or has a fever, call your baby's physician.

Laundry detergents may cause irritation to a baby's delicate skin. Even if you use a detergent marketed for baby laundry, it is a good idea to rinse the laundry an extra time to remove residues.

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Bathing and Skin Care For Your Baby I

Proper bathing and skin care for your newborn:

A newborn's skin is soft and delicate. Proper skin care and bathing can help maintain the health and texture of the baby's skin while providing a pleasant experience for both of you.

Contrary to popular thought, most babies do not need a bath every single day. With all the diaper changes and wiping of mouth and nose after feedings, most babies may only need to be bathed two or three times a week or every other day.

Baths can be given any time of day. Bathing before a feeding often works well. Many parents prefer to bathe their baby in the evening, as part of the bedtime ritual. This works well especially if bath time is relaxing and soothing for the baby.

Sponge baths are required at first. Bathing in a tub of water should wait until the baby's umbilical cord falls off, and a baby boy's circumcision heals, to prevent infection.

What equipment is needed for bathing newborns?

  • thick towels or a sponge-type bath cushion
  • soft washcloths
  • basin or clean sink
  • cotton balls
  • baby shampoo and baby soap (non-irritating)
  • hooded baby towel
  • clean diaper and clothing

How to give a sponge bath:

  • Make sure the room is warm, without drafts, about (75° F).
  • Gather all equipment and supplies in advance.
  • Add warm water to a clean sink or basin (warm to the inside of your wrist or between 90 and 100° F.).
  • Place baby on a bath cushion or thick towels on a surface that is waist high.
  • Keep the baby covered with a towel or blanket.
  • NEVER take your hands off the baby, even for a moment. If you have forgotten something, wrap up the baby in a towel and take him/her with you.
  • Start with the baby's face - use one moistened, clean cotton ball to wipe each eye, starting at the bridge of the nose then wiping out to the corner of the eye.
  • Wash the rest of the baby's face with a soft, moist washcloth without soap.
  • Clean the outside folds of the ears with a soft washcloth. DO NOT insert a cotton swab into the baby's ear canal because of the risk of damage to the ear drum.
  • Add a small amount of baby soap to the water or washcloth and gently bathe the rest of the baby from the neck down. Uncover only one area at a time. Rinse with a clean washcloth or a small cup of water. Be sure to avoid getting the umbilical cord wet.
  • Wash the baby's head last with a shampoo on a washcloth. Rinse, being careful not to let water run over the baby's face. Holding the baby firmly with your arm under his/her back and your wrist and hand supporting his/her neck, you can use a high faucet to rinse the hair.
  • Scrubbing is not necessary, but most babies enjoy their arms and legs being massaged with gentle strokes during a bath.
  • Wrap the baby in a hooded bath towel and cuddle your clean baby close.
  • Follow cord care instructions given by your baby's physician.
  • Use a soft baby brush to comb out your baby's hair. DO NOT use a hair dryer on hot to dry a baby's hair because of the risk of burns.
  • Expect your baby to cry the first few times you bathe him/her. Usually, this is just because a bath is a new experience. However, be sure to check that the water is not too warm or cold or that soap has not gotten in your baby's eyes if your baby suddenly starts crying during a bath.
Continue part II

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Bathing your newborn Techniqe II

Should I wash my newborn's hair?

Yes, if it seems dirty or your baby develops cradle cap — a common condition characterized by scaly patches on the scalp.

Supporting your baby's head and shoulders with your free hand, gently massage a drop of mild baby shampoo into your baby's scalp. Rinse the shampoo with a damp washcloth. If your baby has cradle cap, loosen the scales with a soft-bristled baby brush or toothbrush before rinsing off the shampoo.

What type of baby tub is best?

When your baby graduates from sponge baths, you'll have plenty of choices. Many parents use plastic tubs specifically designed for newborns. Others opt for plain plastic basins or inflatable tubs that fit inside the bathtub. Lined with a towel or rubber mat, the kitchen or bathroom sink may be another option.

Safety is the most important consideration — not necessarily the type of tub. Gather your supplies ahead of time so that you can keep one hand on the baby at all times. If you're interrupted, take your baby with you. Never leave your baby alone in the water.

How much water should I put in the tub?

You'll need only a few inches of warm water. At first, you may want to lather your baby on a towel and use the tub only for rinsing.

What about water temperature?

Warm water is best. To prevent scalding, set the thermostat on your water heater to below 120 F. Always check the water temperature with your hand before bathing your baby.

Keep room temperature in mind as well. A wet baby may be easily chilled. Be sure the room is comfortably warm — about 75 F.

What's the best way to hold my newborn in the tub?

Photo of parent holding baby in tubUse your arm and hand to hold your baby in the tub or under the faucet.

A secure hold will help your baby feel comfortable — and stay safe — in the tub. Support your baby's head and torso with your arm and hand. Wrap your arm under your baby's back, grasping your baby firmly under the armpit. When you clean your baby's back and buttocks, lean him or her forward on your arm. Continue to grasp your baby under the armpit.

To rinse your baby's hair, try a football hold under the faucet. Support your baby's back with your arm, keeping a firm hold on your baby's head while you rinse.

What should I wash first?

Most parents start with the baby's face and move on to dirtier parts of the body. Wash inside skin folds, and rinse the genitals carefully. You may want to save the hair for last to help your baby preserve body heat.

Do I need a special type of soap?

No. In fact, plain water is fine for newborns. When needed, use a mild moisturizing soap. Avoid bubble bath and scented soaps.

Will lotion after a bath help prevent rashes?

No. Most newborns don't need lotion after a bath. In fact, greasy lotions or ointments may make a rash more likely by blocking your baby's tiny sweat glands. The best way to prevent rashes is to dry inside your baby's folds of skin after each bath.

Is it better to bathe my baby in the morning or at night?

That's up to you. Choose a time when you're not rushed or likely to be interrupted. Some parents opt for morning baths, when their babies are alert and ready to enjoy the experience. Others prefer evening baths as part of a calming bedtime ritual.

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Bathing your newborn Techniqe I

Bathing a slippery newborn can be a nerve-racking experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you master the basics.

Bathing a slippery newborn can be a nerve-racking experience. Your baby may not like it much, either. But stay calm. With a little practice, you'll both start to feel more comfortable at bath time. Start by learning the basics.

How often does my newborn need a bath?

There's no need to give your newborn a bath every day. In fact, bathing your baby more than several times a week may dry out his or her skin. If you're quick with clean diapers and fresh burp cloths, you're already cleaning the parts that really need attention — the face, neck and diaper area.

Is a sponge bath good enough?

Yes. Sponge baths are usually the best option at first, at least until the area around the umbilical cord heals. Sponge baths are more convenient than tub baths, and they're easier on your newborn.

Here's what you need:

  • A warm place with a flat surface. A bathroom or kitchen counter, changing table or firm bed will work. Even a blanket or towel on the floor is OK if it's warm enough.
  • A soft blanket, towel or changing pad. Spread it out for your baby to lie on.
  • A free hand. Always keep one hand on your baby. On a changing table, use the safety strap as well.
  • A sink or shallow plastic basin to hold the water. Run several inches of warm water into the basin or sink. Check the water temperature with your hand to make sure it's not too hot.
  • Essential supplies. Gather a washcloth, a towel, cotton balls, mild baby shampoo, mild moisturizing soap, baby wipes, a clean diaper and a change of clothes.

How do I give a sponge bath?

Photo of parent washing baby's earKeep your baby warm during a sponge bath. Expose only the parts you're washing.

Undress your baby and wrap him or her in a towel. When you're ready to begin the bath, lay your baby on his or her back on the towel or pad you've prepared. Wet the washcloth, wring out excess water and wipe your baby's face. There's no need to use soap. Use a damp cotton ball or clean cotton cloth to wipe each eyelid, from the inside to the outside corner.

When you're ready to move on, plain water is usually OK. If your baby is smelly or dirty, use a mild moisturizing soap. Pay special attention to creases under the arms, behind the ears, around the neck and in the diaper area. Also wash between your baby's fingers and toes. To keep your baby warm, expose only the parts you're washing.

Continue in Part II

New Techniques to Calm a Crying Baby

Oct. 11, 2005 (Washington) -- A California pediatrician says he may have found the "off switch" for crying infants.

"This may be the solution to a 3,000-year-old medical mystery of what causes colic," said Harvey Karp, MD, associate professor of pediatrics, University of California at Los Angeles Medical School, and author of The Happiest Baby on the Block. "There is a lot of advice on baby feeding, but almost nothing on how to help crying babies."

The term "infant" means without a voice in Latin, he says. "So how is it that a 7-pound baby's cries can get a 130-pound mother off the toilet running with her pants down? Sometimes there is an emergency; but most of the time the baby merely wants

Babies Miss the Womb

Karp contends that babies are evicted before their "fourth trimester," before they are fully developed and still needing the gentle stroking, holding, and shushing of the womb. An infant's crying, which can last from minutes to hours, may actually be the result of missing the constant noise and stimulation of the womb, he told pediatricians attending the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

Past studies have shown that the average infant at 6 weeks of age cries about 3.5 hours a day, he says. "This results in nursing problems, marital stress, postpartum depression, unnecessary emergency room visits and even shaken baby syndrome."

The Answer to Colic?

It has been thought for years that the main cause of colic in infants was due to gastrointestinal problems, but this may not always be true, Karp says, adding that colic appears to stop after 3 months of age and in preemies it only begins two weeks after the original due date. Pediatricians have also associated colic to temperament, environment, and an immature nervous system temperament, environment, and an immature nervous system.

The 5 S's

But now a new system that involves the 5 S's -- swaddling, side/stomach holding, shushing, swinging, and sucking -- can calm squalling infants, he says. This, says Karp, activates the baby's calming reflex during the first three to four months of life by mimicking the experiences in the uterus.

  • Swaddling. Wrap your baby tightly in a receiving blanket to duplicate the feelings of warmth and protection, and the "tight fit," in the womb. Swaddling also stops your baby's uncontrolled arm and leg flailing that can contribute to hysterical wailing. Karp says your baby will be calmer if she's swaddled 12-20 hours a day in the beginning. "Twelve hours may seem like a lot from our point of view, but to the newborn, it's already a 50% cutback on the 24-hour-a-day 'snuggling' in the uterus," he explains.
  • Side/stomach soothing. Lay your baby on her side or stomach, which Karp believes shuts down the baby's "Moro reflex," or a sensation of falling, and thus helps keep her calm. (He adds, however, that a baby should never be put to sleep on her stomach, since this may increase the risk of SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome).
  • "Shhhing" sounds. There is a whooshing noise within the womb, caused by blood flowing through the mother's arteries. You can recreate this sound with a "white noise" machine, a tape or CD with these "white noise" sounds, a dishwasher, a car ride, or a hair dryer.
  • Swinging. Rhythmic movements in an infant swing, hammock, moving automobile, or baby carrier can keep your baby content.
  • Sucking. Occupy your baby with a pacifier, infant bottle, or a mother's nipple (which Karp describes as "the all-time, No. 1 sucking toy in the world.")

Karp says that tightly swaddling a crying infant with its arms down by its side initially may make the crying worse, but holding the baby on its side after swaddling and gently jiggling it while supporting the head and neck has an immediate calming effect, he notes. "Overstimulation is not nearly as big of a problem as understimulation. Babies miss the rhythmic, hypnotic sounds and movement."

"If the five S's are done exactly right with just enough vigor, the calming reflex will be turned on and the baby will stop crying," Karp explains. "If a parent can get the baby to stop crying they feel like a million bucks, but if they can't they feel miserable. Parents need to be taught how to quiet their babies."

Teaching this to parents may be useful," says Karen Miller, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at Tufts University in Boston. "But more research needs to be done to show the techniques are safe and effective."

Many of the individual techniques have been found to be valid, she says. "It's the whole package that needs further research before it is endorsed."

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